So another year has come and gone, and we stand at the door of 2008. What things lay in store for us? None of us knows for sure, but we can make the best of each day. I'm not talking resolutions and determinations. I'm talking about adopting a philosophy to govern your life and decision-making during this year; a motto, if you will.
There are some perks that come along with being a pastor, and one of those perks is being able to set the tone for the congregation in a given project or for a given time frame. For 2008, it is my desire to continue building upon the spiritual success of the church by making our motto and philosophy "Answering the Call."
What is it God is calling you to do? Maybe you have some sense that there is something, but don't know what. Maybe you've had this feeling, this leaning toward a certain thing, some activity or project or attitude, but you've resisted it. Perhaps you know something you want to do and feel like you should, but doubt or fear has prevented you from doing so. Well, 2008 can be the year for you, if you will "Answer the Call."
There is no doubt it will be a bit frightening, perhaps even difficult, but "Answering the Call" isn't about anything but obedience. If God calls you to do it, keep a few things in mind:
- He knows what He's calling you to do and why.
- He is responsible for equipping you to do exactly what it is He is asking of you.
- He will not let you down.
Our ways are not God's ways. There are always unknowns with us. But as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather go into a thing looking through the eyes of faith alone, with the Lord beside me, than to see everything with my own eyes and risk messing things up. That's what stops most of us from being what (and all) the Lord wants us to be: fear of failure. But as I said, "Answering the Call" is about obedience alone. Success and failure are not the criteria God is looking for in you. The world may see a tremendous success or a colossal failure in you, but all Christ wants is obedience. When you trust in Him and do as He wants you to do, answering His call on your life (no matter what that call might be), then the only thing He judges you on is your obedience to that call. The results are up to Him. If we are responsible to His call to us, He will be responsible for the rest. So let Him be responsible for the rest, and you hold up your end: ANSWER THE CALL!
I look forward to this year, as I hope you do. No matter what might happen, know that we are not alone. We have a friend who is closer than a brother, and who sticks with us through the best and worst of times. He is calling to you today, right now, to be something for Him. And whatever He is calling you to do is something magnificent, something that fits right into His plans for you and for the world and for His Church. All you have to do is answer that call. Join me, join my congregation, and join others from around the world as together we stand, confident, and as we all start "Answering the Call."
© 2008, Chris Keeton and Soulscape Press. All rights reserved. All material printed on this site is protected by the copyright law of the United States. It may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Chris Keeton and Soulscape Press, obtainable by leaving a comment (with your request) which will be forwarded to Chris Keeton. Altering or removing any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content is not permitted. Any and all portions of material copied from the Soulscape Blog must be properly attributed to Chris Keeton and Soulscape, and cited with original blog web address.
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