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Friday, April 18, 2008

To Explain the Delay

As technology moves ever-forward, other methods of communication present themselves. That fact, coupled with a little bit of money to afford said technologies/software programs, will help explain the time since my last entry. Needless to say, I got sicker following the last entry, and it took several days before feeling better. Trying to catch up on things following that illness, and the recent acquisition of a few new programs, have all come together to occupy the majority of my time.

In the next couple of weeks, I hope to be able to institute an idea I'd floated a while back: a Soulscape e-Newsletter. I have to learn the programs and things before being able to actually get down to business, but I hope to have things back up as soon as possible. I will be posting here as usual, but will also be developing an e-newsletter to send Soulscape straight into your inbox. I'm also trying to create an e-newsletter for my church.

Great things are happening, and I look forward to sharing them with you. Please stand by. I appreciate your patience during this time. Don't give up on me yet! I'll be back very soon, and hopefully better than ever!

If you're in the mood for a sermon or two (or more!), stop by for recent sermon audio additions. You can download them or just listen straight from the webpage. Or you can visit iTunes and search for Chris Keeton, then click on the Westwood Church of God podcasts to subscribe or listen.

God bless!

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