(NOTE: It is currently five minutes before church is to start on Wednesday, but I'm at home, sick with a cough and bad throat, two things which make it a bit difficult for a preacher. At any rate, I was unable to post yesterday and, in a desire to actually feel useful at a time when I should be in church, I thought I'd write a little something. And, knowing me, I should finish about the same time I would normally wrap up a sermon!)
I was perusing the features of my particular web browser and discovered a way to easily subscribe to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for many of my favorite web sites. And with a few clicks of my mouse, BANG! Updates right there in front of me! I am a creature of habit, visiting the same websites, in the same order, day after day. Now it will be easy to find daily the relevant and updated information on those little islands I visit in the great sea that is the Internet.
Well, in my weird little way of trying to bring my daily life and experiences to Soulscape and here put a spiritual or inspirational spin on them, I got to thinking about a title for this entry, and it suddenly came: Does God have RSS? And I say YES!
In this case, I would contend that RSS stands for "Really Spiritual Syndication," and God's RSS feed is updated on a moment-by-moment basis. He's had this RSS feed much longer than the Internet, much longer than computers. In fact, He's had His RSS feed for thousands of years. We usually call it by a different name, but the principle is the same: we call it PRAYER.
I've done a lot of writing on prayer in the past, so I'm not going to go into a great exploration of prayer (time and my current health prohibit), but I did want to put a modern spin on an ancient truth. What does God want for us? How can He help us? Does He still speak to us in modern times? The way to find out the answers to these questions is through prayer. Take some time to spend with the Lord in prayer. Don't just talk to Him when you need or want something. Seek His guidance and His fellowship.
The Bible is indeed an ancient book; there is no disputing that. But its relevance can only come to light when we seek God and His will through Jesus Christ. As we pray, we find elements of our own lives in the familiar stories contained in Holy Scripture. When we recognize some path, some similarity, that's God speaking to us. When we feel the warmth of peace and grace in our hearts during a time or a situation where those things should not logically exists, that's God speaking to us. When we pray with the knowledge that even if we don't feel anything spectacular or don't see "results" immediately, that knowledge is God speaking to us.
Since we can get this information any time, it pays to visit the Lord often. We don't want to miss anything He has for us. So I would suggest that you subscribe to God's RSS feed. Just sign up through prayer. You don't even need to worry about entering any other information, since God knows it all anyway. Just express your interest and commit yourself to going to Him regularly, and you will be able to find what you need from the Lord, and what He wants for you.
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1 comment:
God speaking--absolutely. =)
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