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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Aargh, With a Capital A

As I sit here, I seem to recall some previous entry in which the subject had something to do with the old saying, "When it rains, it pours." I don't know if that was indeed an entry I wrote, but it most certainly describes my situation at present.

Today has been one of those days, perhaps a series of days, when I have most certainly been "under the rain," so to speak. Nearly everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. The most frustrating thing is a water leak underneath my kitchen sink, a leak that has been going on for a few days now, but was only today realized as such. The unfortunate thing about the leak is that it is in the valve. What does this mean? Well, I'm no plumber by any stretch of the imagination, but even I know that this means the water must be turned off at another location in order to replace the faulty part.

So, I go under my house (one story, so there is just crawl space) to locate the shut-off valve. Now, crawlspace would infer the ability to crawl; this is an ability I do not possess, especially under the house and considering that the valve was located on the exact opposite side of the house from where I entered. Halfway through, I had to come back out. But it didn't seem all that bad (not counting every other thing that has nearly overwhelmed me today), because after examining the little drip, we decided it was just the joint that needed tightening. After this step, however, we found the crack, a teeny, tiny, nearly microscopic crack which was now spraying water in an almost imperceptible little stream and soaking everything, including running out onto the kitchen floor.

At this rate, the only option is to find someone with a water key and shut off all water to my house from the city's water main, and then replace the part. I'm much calmer at the present, hence my ability to actually type this entry (albeit through shaking hands and shortness of breath). There are a couple of options I'm going to implement as a stop-gap measure until then, but this was absolutely the last straw for today.

I can't take any more.

As I sat here trying to lower my blood pressure and avoid a stroke, I couldn't help but think that this is absolutely typical of life in general. There are little cracks that cause major leaks in our heart, mind, life, and they usually occur in the one spot that is the most difficult to reach. You see, I couldn't just go under the sink and twist the valve, because the crack is below the valve, and so the water pressure remains constant. I can't get to the other cut-offs, so I'm sitting here with a leaky sink, hoping beyond hope that severe or long-term damage is not being done.

Our lives are sometimes out of control, and we can't find the cut-off. The pressure is still there, and we're still "leaky," but there's not much we can do about it. So we sit, hoping to make it through, but more than frustrated at the helpless feeling of, "I can't do this."

This is where the Lord comes in. He has been called King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, the Great Physician. In times like these, we might be able to call Him the Master Plumber, because only He can patch the holes in our life and stop the leaks from those tiny little cracks that Satan makes (or in most cases, we ourselves make). Sometimes, though, it might take Him bringing us to a place where we can't take any more in order to truly fix us.

And as far as not being able to take anymore…my computer crashed as I was creating this entry. Aargh indeed.

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