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Monday, March 26, 2007

In the Days Ahead…

I find myself here, yet another Monday, yet another "new blog entry" day, with nothing to say. That's right, I have nothing to say. Odd for a preacher; odd for someone who makes his living talking. Perhaps I talked myself out yesterday through my sermons. Occasionally that happens. I've always joked that (and this could apply to most pastors) even if a preacher has nothing to say, he'll take forty-five minutes to say it. So, how should I occupy my time today? Or for that matter, how should I occupy your time?

Okay, how's this? The Lord woke me up, or rather prevented me from going to sleep, on the Saturday night/Sunday morning that Daylight Saving Time went into effect. I even went to bed early that night in order to redeem my lost hour of sleep. But the Lord gave me an idea, and though I wanted to wait until morning to write it down, I had to get up to document and research it. So, this Good Friday, April 6th, my congregation will be participating in its first-annual "CrossWalk." Fifteen members of my church will each carry a wooden cross for 550 feet, traveling a total distance of 1.5 miles to our church, where we will have a short devotional service and fellowship (and Easter egg hunt for the kiddies!). Along with the fifteen carriers will be people who will walk all or part of the route through the community, all of us serving to testify of Christ's sacrifice and our appreciation for Him.

I asked all the "carriers" to write down their preliminary thoughts on CrossWalk, what they expect or hope to gain from the experience; then, each participant will write down their feelings and impressions after the event. By comparing what their thoughts are both before and after, perhaps we will be able to see a profound change or insight into their Christian experience. And, if the Lord leads, I may share some of those writings with you here on Soulscape. For my purposes, I will use next Monday's post to write my preliminary thoughts, and the following Monday will be dedicated to my post-CrossWalk impressions.

Also, my son's fourth birthday will be next Monday, so we're gearing up for that. So until next week, I encourage you to give thought to what the crucifixion means to you, what the gravity of the Lord's sacrifice means to the world and what its impact has had on your life (or those around you). You can stop by to listen to some of my recent Wednesday Bible Study series on the Seven Last Words from the Cross (apologies for Lesson 3, as there was some technical issue which prevented it from being available). Or, if you have iTunes, simply do a search in the iTunes Store for "Chris Keeton" and you can listen to all our recent messages, including the Last Words series. They are available for download or streaming audio formats.

So until next week, may God bless you.

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