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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Too Many Irons, Fired and Otherwise

I know, I know. Seems all I do is tinker with my writing schedule. But once again I am forced to tweak the writing plan here at Soulscape. Preparing three sermons and Sunday School lessons each week, along with other projects (writing and otherwise), pastoral, parental and spousal commitments, I am finding it difficult to get three more writings per week posted on this blog. Therefore, I will be cutting back, and adjusting my posting schedule to twice weekly.

Mondays will still be dedicated to free writing, whatever happens to be on my heart or mind on that day. Thursdays will now be dedicated to focused study (currently the book of Ecclesiastes) and writing for that particular series. I hope you will still stop by regularly to check out my entries. Again, updated entries will only be made on Mondays and Thursdays.

If you know me, you will undoubtedly understand my reluctance to cut back. Writing is a passion, an outlet not only for my own creativity, but in what I feel the Lord would have me do. I approach these entries with a serious mind and an open heart, hoping that God would give me the words which would help, encourage, or inspire my readers. Whether it’s in a humorous tone or a Scriptural exposition, I love writing.

But I must not shirk my day-to-day responsibilities. It is somewhat difficult to prepare new messages each week (two Sunday sermons, Wednesday Bible study, and going over Sunday School materials), and be able to keep them all separate in my mind and heart. I’ve always been someone who wanted to do many things, yet I have found that sometimes, you just have to put a limit on what you do. It’s not a lack of desire, but of being able to give quality time and effort to the projects which require them.

So, forgive me for not being able to stick with the original schedule for Soulscape. My prayer is that with this restructuring of writing time (which I hope to implement in all areas of my life in order to be a better pastor, husband and father) my work and my blog entries will take on a more meaningful purpose and touch you even more deeply.

Continued prayers are always welcomed. See you Monday.

© 2007, Chris Keeton and Soulscape Press. All rights reserved. All material printed on this site is protected by the copyright law of the United States. It may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Chris Keeton and Soulscape Press, obtainable by leaving a comment (with your request) which will be forwarded to Chris Keeton. Altering or removing any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content is not permitted. Any and all portions of material copied from the Soulscape Blog must be properly attributed to Chris Keeton and Soulscape, and cited with original blog web address.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a good plan. As long as God is first, wife second, kids third, then everyone and everything else comes after those, you will do well.
