We hear a lot about the negatives of this world, about all the bad that seems to happen on a daily basis. So we know how much good it does our souls when we go to church, seeing and hearing what the Lord is doing in the lives of His people. Through their lives, through their testimonies we gain the strength to perhaps take "just one more step." In an effort to continue this process, I would like to share with you some of the things God is doing in my own life and especially in my church congregation.
As a pastor, my greatest desire is to see my congregation grow, not necessarily in number (although that would be a big plus – pardon the math pun there) but in spirit, grace and knowledge. I've been a full-time pastor for over five years, and in that time our church has had more than its share of ups and downs. But over the last six months or so, the ups have been unbelievable. The vast majority of the congregation members have visible growth going on in their lives.
We have had two men deliver their first sermons, having answered God's call to speak His Word. They come from different backgrounds, with different experiences and different personalities, but it goes to illustrate how God can use anyone, can equip and empower them to serve Him. Others have stepped into more public roles than what they were used to, teaching classes, stepping up as prayer warriors, being a guiding force within the church.
Other areas have witnessed God's power. We have seen people brought to a relationship to the Lord for the first time, or brought back after a prodigal wandering in life's wilderness. After following the Bible's command to anoint with oil and pray for the sick, we have seen a grievous infection being healed, hearts uplifted, lives changed.
Our world seems to focus on everything bad. We suffer from a lack of belief, a lack of faith and hope for what is possible with the Lord. But I am a witness to the power of the Lord. I witness that power every time I step into a pulpit, because I know full well that I don't have the words to change people's lives. If there is to be a change, if there is to be some impact made or inspiration given, it must come from the Lord. He alone is responsible for the salvation, the healing, the growth, the unity, and the love that we have seen.
How is all this achieved? It comes down to one thing: a decision to allow God first place in your life. You may say, "I've done that already." But there is always more room in your life for the Lord. We have to rededicate ourselves daily to the Lord and His purposes, making the effort to grow. We must have a desire to be what God wants us to be. When this happens, when we make the effort to learn and grow, and let the Lord move within us, we will find that "something" that we're looking for, and which has for so long been just out of reach.
I feel what John must have felt, so I will paraphrase what he said at the end of his Gospel. If I were to write about all the Lord has and is doing for me and my church, there wouldn't be enough room in the world to contain all that would be written. So for now, I will just praise the great name of Jesus for His blessings upon us, blessings we haven't earned or deserved, but appreciate all the same. To Him be all praise and glory.
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