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Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Schedule and Structure

There needs to be a balance of spontaneity and structure, in all areas of life. Time management is probably one of the most difficult things we have to juggle in the ever-increasing hectic-ness of existence. Just when you think you couldn’t be pulled in any more directions, you find out otherwise. I know personally that reaching the end of the day and knowing that you got everything done you wanted to do is usually a rarity rather than a common occurrence.

So, I am attempting some schedule restructuring of my own, in a hopefully realistic attempt to balance my job, my family (and the responsibilities commensurate with each), my hobbies, my writing, and my own spiritual health.

How does this concern you, the reader here at Soulscape? Well, I want to share with you my planned schedule for future postings. Those of you who are frequently here (or who know me personally) are aware that I am not usually described as ‘brief.’ So when I write blog entries for Soulscape, I am usually involved for an extended period of time. With my current schedule, I don’t usually have that kind of time, but with my new plan, I should have several opportunities to write.

Many of you have said that these entries have helped you in some way, and I feel a great desire (or even need) to continue in this path of writing. So, I have decided to aim for at least three new entries per week. If this doesn’t work, I will amend the schedule, but for the moment, here’s what I hope to do:

MONDAY – “Freestyle.” For these entries, I will take whatever topic of
interest I feel led to comment about, whether it be current events, what I’m
feeling at the moment, topics addressed in church the previous day,

TUESDAY – “Targeted Study.” Tuesdays will be
dedicated to a particular Bible Study. It will more than likely be an
extended series on a particular book, chapter, or general topic. Someone
recently suggested a study on Ecclesiastes, so Tuesdays will be set aside to
discuss this book. Once this study is completed, a new subject will be

THURSDAY – “Phelps Board Studies.” My plan for each
Thursday is to take one of the Daily Bible Study Scripture selections from the
David Phelps Message Board and do an extended entry for it. I will go back
through the previous seven days of topics and choose one of those topics to talk

I cannot presently say with certainty by what time of day these entries will be posted, but they will hopefully be posted (fingers crossed!) by early afternoon. Please bear with me as I try to work things out and get things regulated efficiently.

My prayer is that this new schedule, starting this Monday, will help me get closer to the Lord through understanding, study and prayer; that it will be an encouraging and fun source of inspiration to you, the reader; and that this one blog among millions will bring the glory to God He deserves. See you Monday!

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