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Monday, July 23, 2007

What? Me Worry?

What does worry accomplish? Very little, save for some digestive difficulties and as a way to eliminate valuable time. I have discovered that life itself is a lesson in learning how to deal with worry. As a pastor I have preached many sermons on living by faith, messages dealing with trusting God and not giving in to worry or fear. Yet pastors are notorious for dwelling on things beyond our own control. Most certainly we know that the Lord will work things out, and there is a peace which is given, but the fact remains that we tend to worry.

Allow me to elaborate on the most current situation. Three years ago my wife was hired as an elementary school teacher; specifically, she taught second grade in this, her first opportunity as a teacher. The year went well. Our lives and lifestyle greatly improved. Having a second source of income helped us with bills and improvements and such, and all was "peachy." Then, on the last day of the school year, the principal (for reasons still beyond understanding) did the equivalent of firing her, giving her extremely negative and damaging remarks/comments which would hamper future employment opportunities. This inexplicable incident caused us great anxiety but, after union intervention, she reversed her position, save for recommending her for rehire within the district.

With this black cloud over our heads, we didn't know what to do when, at the eleventh hour (so to speak), she was offered a job at the high school level. Some did not want to give her the chance because of the negative things still in her report from the previous year, but a high school principal gave her the chance. The pay was significantly less than what existed the first year, but the opportunity could not be passed up. She took the job, and for the last two years had the opportunity to work with some fine people and fine young people, helping them as they make that all-too-difficult passage from adolescence to adulthood.

Things have been tight for a couple of years. Poor planning and taking things for granted placed us in a difficult spot, at times wondering how we would make it through the month. There were even times when without the kindness of Christian friends and family, it would not have been possible. At the end of this past school year (2006-2007) the job my wife worked came to an end, as it was only a temporary, grant-based position which expired. But these past two years, as difficult and worrisome as they sometimes were, a foundation was being laid which would prove invaluable. Professional relationships were cultivated, a reputation rebuilt, and new opportunities made available.

After a couple of interviews within the school system, it became a waiting game... a tense, nerve-destroying waiting game. Let me tell you, with bills due, a church that has had some rough patches, and a new baby coming in September, it has not been easy. Yet both my wife and I knew that God would have His will done, that everything would be all right no matter what happened, and that we had a peace that we were not alone, especially spiritually. We still had to be responsible, still had to look for other positions to pursue, to make sure we could provide for our expanding family. But we knew all would be well.

Today the faith paid off. My wife received a call from the principal of one of the schools which had interviewed her and offered her a position as a third grade teacher. Our biggest worry was the timing of the new baby, as the child is expected to come in mid-September, still early in the school year. But God always knows what He is doing. Our faith in Him has been justified more times than we can count, and today is one more to add to the list. In a few weeks school will start, a new teacher will grace the halls of one of our local elementary schools, a family will be able to have some peace of mind in the areas of finance, security, and ministry, a church will be able to gain a bit more in tithes and offerings and thus help more people in whatever way the Lord directs, and most importantly, a great and mighty God will get more praise from a few insignificant individuals who have benefitted from His goodness and grace.

So, I've learned a valuable lesson. Actually it's not that I've learned it; it is that I've seen another example which will make me stronger in my own faith and ministry. When it comes to trusting in the Lord, you couldn't trust in anyone better. Even though things seem bleak, unable to understand, or even hopeless, when you give it all to God there is no reason to worry. Looking back it's clear to see that He had a purpose for all that has happened, three years ago and before. It seemed bad at the time, but look at us now. There's still a lot to learn. My prayer is that I'll have enough grace in the future to remember what God CAN do, what He has already done, and know that He'll always be there to do it again. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He WILL bring it to pass.

Amen to that.

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1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wonderful post and very helpful at the moment. ;)
