How did you pass your Memorial Day? If you're like me, then it probably involved friends and food. Before leaving to visit with some of my oldest friends, I took note of the local newscast. Every so often they have a segment which includes responses to viewer emails. One message in particular caught my eye. Apparently on a newscast earlier in the day the anchor wished everyone a "happy" Memorial Day. This viewer wrote in to express her feelings on that particular wish. She said (and I paraphrase), "In this area we decorate graves on Memorial Day. There's nothing happy about it. In fact it's one of the most somber days there are. I'll probably be crying my eyes out. There's nothing happy about this day, so just knock off the 'Happy Memorial Day' business."
Okay, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and everyone has lost someone close to them. This is a day to remember them. Sometimes those memories are sad. But I don't believe Memorial Day must be all "tears and solemnity" to be respectful. In fact, I believe that in some measure a wonderful way to remember the life of someone we've lost is to have some fun on this day. I'm not advocating throwing a parade or a party at the cemetery, but enjoying the day and enjoying life, while recalling the good times we had with our loved ones is a great way to remember them.
If anyone is interested, my sermon delivered yesterday (Sunday, May 27) entitled "In Remembrance" speaks about how we remember, and this memory applies not only to those who fought and died for our country, those of our loved ones who have passed away, but also to Jesus. If interested, it is available at or at iTunes by searching the store for "Chris Keeton." I believe this message describes how we are to best honor the memory of those no longer with us.
I enjoyed the time at my friends' home, the dinner and conversation. But I also realize that the best way to honor the memory of those I've lost is to live my life to my fullest potential, to use their example and make the lives of my friends just as happy as my life has been made by those who have passed away. Memorial Day is more than just a day off of work, more than just picnics and war movies on television. Just remember to live each day as best you can, being the best Christian you can be, and you will be doing great honor to those who have come before.
Hope you had a nice day, and with that, I'll let you enjoy the rest of this one. Even bloggers need a holiday from time to time. Next on the agenda: tackling that confounded grass again…
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