It always seems as though circumstances arrive to make the normal flow of things, the daily plans, go awry. Still, you must deal with each situation, and do your best to keep going.
So, I wanted to share with you what’s coming up in the days and weeks ahead. As time permits, hopefully at least once a week, I will share some thoughts on a portion of Scripture that I believe is vital to each Christian, as well as the only means of defense against the enemies which try to get us down, or keep us down. That Scripture is Ephesians 6:10-20, and deals with The Armor of God.
I hope to address these verses, and these different pieces of spiritual armor, in order, one by one, in an effort to help us find the strength to face life’s challenges.
As I said, there are some things going on right now that require my focus and attention, but I will do my best to get at least one entry on this topic published on the blog each week. So, keep watching the site, study these verses on your own, and let’s look forward to the Lord enlightening us together!
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