As some of you may have noticed, it has been a while since I have posted anything here on the Soulscape blog. The reason I have not posted is because I have sort of shifted my preferred format, opting instead to send my "blog entries" in an e-newsletter format. For the first several issues of the Soulscape newsletter, I also posted them here so that those who did not subscribe to the newsletter would still get to see each entry.
After a few weeks, this became not only tiresome but troublesome as well. Formatting issues, as well as the time involved in transferring from one program to another (it wasn't as simple as copy-and-paste) made it impractical to continue this pattern. That, coupled with statistical data on the visits to this blog, has led me to place the blog format of Soulscape on hold indefinitely.
There are still many visits each day, but usually these visits are to prior entries, especially my two series on The Armor of God and The Book of Ecclesiastes. Since newer posts are not visited with such vigor, it stands to reason that the best format to continue the Soulscape ministry is through the e-newsletter.
So, if you'd like to have Soulscape delivered to your Inbox once a week, simply leave a comment to this entry, including your name and e-mail address and I will add you to the mailing list. YOUR PRIVACY IS OUR PRIMARY CONCERN! I have to approve the posting of all comments, so your name and e-mail address will not be posted for anyone to see; I will be the only one with that information. The newsletter is also sent using the blind carbon copy or BCC feature, so your information will remain private. You can also unsubscribe at any time, should you so desire.
I again thank each of you for your interest in this Soulscape blog, and hope that you will join me again by subscribing to the Soulscape Newsletter. And who knows? We might just see each other here at Soulscape from time to time! God bless!
Chris Keeton
Pastor and Author of "Soulscape - Inspiration for the Heart"
Copyright 2008, Chris Keeton and Soulscape -- blah blah blah legal stuff blah blah