Okay, so you caught me. The titles for each of the entries for October increased each time by a decade (Twenty Years, Thirty Years, Forty Years, and Fifty Years, for those who don't want to do the math). But since October has five Mondays, that meant that I had to come up with a "Sixty Years" theme to keep things nicely in order, as I like so much.
Didn't happen.
Oh sure, I could ruminate on how I've aged sixty years over the course of this month, with all that has happened (new baby, wife going back to work, Homecoming revival services, and a myriad of other things). I could figure out some clever little way to tie all this together, but quite frankly, I'm tired and I just don't feel all that creative at the moment. I'm sure I'll snap back before too long, but for now, I'll just keep the "Sixty Years" title and figure out something else to talk about.
I know! Our Homecoming services! As I mentioned earlier in the month, my congregation is marking 20 years since its founding, and so we kind of had a month of celebrations and activities to keep us focused not only on the past, but on what is possible in the future. The culmination of these celebrations was a Homecoming revival, complete with a fund-raising concert with a nationally-known singer and songwriter, and messages by a guest evangelist. It went better than I could have hoped: attendance was decent, the Spirit was moving, and there was a true sense of togetherness, growth and revival apparent throughout the week and even through the weeks leading up to the series of services.
As we concluded events yesterday, I said to the congregation that most if not all of us were saddened that the week had to end, but were confident and desirous that the spirit of revival continue through us in the months ahead. As wonderful as the time had been, there is still much to be done, and little time to do it. We could easily revel in the glories of a wonderful week, or we can use its memory to inspire us forward for the Lord. We choose the latter.
October was also Pastor's Appreciation Month, and there was much appreciation to be had yesterday. The pastors in the room, myself included, were honored and lauded, perhaps far more than any of us deserved, but to know that we have made a positive impact on souls we've met over the years is something that we all cherish. And as I told everyone in attendance, without a congregation a pastor is just a guy who talks a lot. So Pastor's Appreciation Month cannot truly be celebrated unless the pastor appreciates the congregation he or she serves. For all the pastors out there, I say thank you on their behalf. Thank you for your attendance, your prayers and support as we serve Christ together.
Well, after a week of sermons (which you can listen to at http://feeds.feedburner.com/westwoodonline or at iTunes [search for Westwood Church of God in the store]; sorry for the commercial), there's really not much left to say. Autumn is finally in full swing and the holidays are approaching. I can't wait to share them with you. Thank you for reading, and if the Lord wills, I'll see you back here next Monday. God bless!
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